For your continued membership and support to our association!

We couldn’t do it without YOU!

Membership Benefits

2 Memberships for the price of 1

When you pay for your BCFCCA membership you not only get a membership to our association but also to our Maryland State Family Child Care Association (MSFCCA).


Parent Message Board

As a member of our association,

you will be added to our weekly Parent Message Board email.

What is the Parent Message Board? It is a messaging service that parents who are looking for care for their child(ren) can call or text and leave their information. That information is then emailed out weekly to our providers filtering leads directly to you to help support you and your business! If you see a lead on the Parent Message Board that you can help you then reach out to that parent privately and go from there!

Monthly Training / Meetings

  • Our training / meeting year runs from September - June each year.

  • We hold monthly meetings / trainings. At these meetings you are kept abreast of issues that impact child care and our business.

  • We offer a nice variety of training each year that encompasses all core of knowledge areas. By attending each of our monthly trainings you will have more than enough continued training hours each year for your license.


Quarterly Newsletter and

Closed Facebook Group

As a member of our association you will receive a monthly newsletter emailed to you that is full of information to help keep you abreast of what is happening locally, in our state and nationally in our field.

As a member of our association you are able to join our closed facebook group ‘Baltimore County Family Childcare Association’ where you will be able to ask questions, get answers and continue to stay on top of what is happening locally and nationally in our field.