When you are ready to start your business - we can help!
Not sure where to start first?
Below are quick links that will help you through the licensing process.
What do I do first?
Attend on on-line orientation.
After the on-line orientation you need to attend an in-person orientation. To do this you need to call the Baltimore County Regional Licensing office at (410) 583-6200 to schedule it.
What do I do next?
Become familiar with the COMAR regulations that govern Family Child Care…it is a good idea to print these off and put them in a binder. You will be responsible for knowing and following all these regulations.
Read and use information in the Family Child Care Resource Manual to help you interpret and understand the COMAR regulations that govern how you operate your family child care business.
Print, review and check off items on the Family Child Care Checklist to help you prepare for your inspection.Family Child Care Resource Manual
Then you could…
Contact Abilities Network to see about scheduling the required training to open your business. Abilities Network can be reached at 410-828-7700. They can assist in scheduling you for your First Aid / CPR Training and the pre-service classes that you need to take.
Start setting up your space and checking items off the Family Child Care Checklist (linked above).
Start creating your handbook, policies and contract along with creating or printing other forms you might need to easily have on hand.
Required Forms For OCC
Here are required forms that you, the potential family child care provider, needs to complete:
Don’t forget to…
Join the Baltimore County Family Child Care Association!
You can join our association at any point during the licensing process as an ‘Affiliate Member’!
You get all the benefits of our membership except for being included on our parent message board emails. Once you have a license number your membership will be changed over to a ‘Member’ and you will be added onto that email list immediately.
When you join our association as an ‘Affiliate Member’ you will have a mentor assigned to you to help you through the licensing process and help you on this journey!