Not a member yet?

We’d love for you to join us…keep reading to find out what all we can offer YOU!

Look at all these benefits plus so much more!

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Monthly Meetings

Each month we host a monthly meeting and training. By joining the Baltimore County Family Child Care Association you will easily be able to fulfill your yearly training requirements for licensing. We offer a variety of Core of Knowledge training hours. Right now ALL of our meetings and trainings are virtual. Our virtual trainings are 2 hour trainings and if you attend each one (Sept - June) you would end up with 20 hours of training. Some months have had a bonus training you can attend which would increase your training hours.

2 Memberships for the price of 1

When you become a member of your local association, Baltimore County Family Child Care Association, you also become a member of our state association, Maryland State Family Child Care Association.

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Networking / Mentorship

When you become a member of our association, one of the benefits you will enjoy is the networking and mentorship we offer!

At times we all crave that adult interaction! We know how that feels and love to network with each other.

We have a wealth of knowledge and experience in our association and our members love sharing and mentoring others. If you need something, just ask! Someone can help support you!

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Quarterly Newsletter

As a member of our association you will receive a quarterly newsletter emailed to you which will help keep you in the loop of what is going on in our association and in our field locally and nationally.

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Closed Facebook Group for “Members Only”

As a member of our association you are invited to join our '“Members Only” Facebook group where you will be able to safely ask questions, share concerns or get that needed support from fellow providers who know what you are going through. This group helps give you that extra support we all need in this business!

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Parent Message Board

As a member of our association, you will receive a weekly email with leads from parents looking for care in Baltimore County.